249 Church St, New York , NY 10013
September 8th-29th, 2022 | Opening Reception: Thursday, Sept 8th, 6-8pm

BOY’s AGE FANTASY is a “coming of age” delayed, an “arrested development” that refuses to quit. The body of work attempts to satirize the infantilism of modern culture while at the same time being complicit in its comforts. How does our engagement with the things we love stunt our progression? Does looking backward inform our future or ensure we will repeat the same mistakes? Through the aesthetic of the American canon, Herzog utilizes archetypal figures and branding elements to paint a picture of a malformed American identity. Some parts may be playful satire, while others are searing indictments. Ultimately, these competing tensions are all part of the fantasy we build for ourselves.

The exhibition will include new and old works created in 2021 and this year. Alongside foam artworks, BOY’s AGE FANTASY will feature limited edition prints and drawings that illustrate the same subjects in his soft sculpture works. The prints and drawings shed light on the initial stages of Herzog’s creative process and his skillful background in illustration. During the exhibition, the space will hold an artist lecture to learn more about Herzog’s artistic background and creative practice.


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